Decaffeinated Teas

At 2020 Tea Company, we understand that some tea lovers prefer to enjoy their favourite blends without the caffeine. That's why we offer a selection of decaffeinated teas that still deliver on taste and quality.

Health Benefits of Decaffeinated Teas

Our decaffeinated teas not only offer a soothing and relaxing experience but also provide various health benefits. They promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and support digestion. So you can enjoy a cup of tea while taking care of your well-being.

Decaffeination Process

We use the CO2 process to remove caffeine from our teas while preserving their natural flavours. This method ensures that you can enjoy a decaffeinated tea without compromising on taste.

Custom Blends

While we offer a variety of decaffeinated tea options, we currently have limited custom blend options for decaf teas. However, our expertly crafted blends are sure to satisfy your taste buds and provide a delightful tea-drinking experience.

Experience the Delight of Decaffeinated Teas

Indulge in our premium decaffeinated teas and enjoy the perfect cup of relaxation.

Discover the health benefits of rooibos tea, a caffeine-free herbal infusion rich in antioxidants. Perfect for relaxation and enhancing wellness

Rooibos long needle tea, sourced from the Aspalathus linearis plant native to South Africa, is known for its distinct long needle-like leaves, which impart a unique flavour profile that is slightly sweet and earthy. Unlike traditional black or green teas, rooibos is caffeine-free, making it an excellent choice for all-day drinking and for those sensitive to caffeine. It is rich in antioxidants, such as aspalathin and nothofagin, which may contribute to various health benefits, including improved heart health and reduced inflammation. Often enjoyed plain or with additions like milk or honey, rooibos long needle tea offers a comforting and healthful beverage option.





Discover the rich flavour of Kenyan Pekoe Decaffeinated Tea, expertly crafted to provide a soothing and aromatic tea experience without the caffeine. Perfect for tea lovers seeking a relaxing beverage any time of day.

Kenyan Pekoe Decaffeinated tea is a premium tea variety sourced from the high-altitude regions of Kenya, known for its rich soil and favourable climate that produce high-quality tea leaves. "Pekoe" refers to the fine, young tea leaves used in brewing, which typically yields a robust flavour and bright colour. The decaffeination process generally involves using methods like carbon dioxide or water processing to remove caffeine while retaining the tea’s natural flavours and antioxidants. This makes Kenyan Pekoe Decaffeinated tea an excellent choice for tea enthusiasts seeking the rich taste and health benefits of tea without the stimulating effects of caffeine. Enjoyed both plain and with added milk or sweeteners, it makes for a delightful beverage any time of day.